For over 4,000 years captive elephants have played a pivotal role in human religion, spiritual worship and the shaping of entire communities.
Sadly, Asian elephants are now classified as an endangered species. Their care, wellbeing and safety has never been more important. While some people think all elephants should live in the wild, the reality is that many captive populations face less threats than wild populations. Human-elephant conflict, forest degradation and poaching has seen wild elephant populations plummet.
Elephant-based tourism has the ability to conserve elephant genetic diversity while continuing the ancient art of elephant ownership. If done correctly, elephant-based tourism can be a win-win for individual elephants, poor communities and the entire Asian elephant species. Visit our FAQ Welfare page to learn more about common misconceptions and issues surrounding captive Asian elephants in the 21st Century.
At Asian Captive Elephant Standards we are the link between elephant conservation and elephant tourism. Visit only ACES accredited camps.

“Elephant ownership is considered normal in Southeast Asia. I respect that, I just want it to be done ethically and humanely.”
Heather, Brisbane