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Industry experts meet Senator to discuss Thai elephant tourism.


Thai captive elephant and tourism industry professionals met with Thai Senator Mr Weerasack Kowsurat at Bangkok on 31st July 2019. The objective of the meeting was to discuss future methods of communication and cooperation between elephant camps, the tourism industry and stakeholders including international organisations, NGOs, Thai residents and international visitors.

Asian Captive Elephant Standards (ACES) Co-founder Mr Pitchakorn Kulmapijit attended the meeting and informed Senator Weerasak Kowsurat to the benefits of ACES camp accreditation and its emphasis on upholding strong elephant welfare. ACES standards were positively received by the Senator and ACES will continue to engage with elephant camps both in Thailand and internationally.

Other points of note included an acknowledgment that international media and relevant organisations need better awareness of the Thai intolerance and aversion to elephant cruelty. The creation of a new international marketing campaign conveying good elephant camp management and improved elephant welfare strategies has been proposed by the Tourism Authority of Thailand.

ACES Co-founder Mr Kulmapijit (left) discusses elephant welfare with Senator Weerasack Kowsurat

Other industry professionals attending the meeting included the Tourism Authority of Thailand Deputy Governor for International Marketing Mrs Srisuda Wanapinyosak, and representatives from the Thai Center of Elephant and Wildlife Research, Thai Elephant Alliance Association and National Elephant Association.

ACES is thankful for the opportunity to assist elephant and tourism industry professionals in their goal of improving elephant welfare standards throughout the Kingdom of Thailand.


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